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Support for Dementia Harborough at Market Harborough Golf Club

We were very pleased to be approached recently by John McGlone, who was elected as the Men's Captain of Market Harborough Golf Club for 2019/20 at the club's AGM in November.

John has chosen us to be his charity for his year of office, which means that during the course of the year there will be a number of events to raise funds for us.

The first of these will be on Christmas Day when club member Steve Winder has chosen to undertake a 5k Park Run (about 3 miles) starting at 9.00am. Steve is collecting sponsorship so if anyone would like to back him please go to his Give As You Live page where you can pledge donations.

We are most grateful to be recognised in this way and wish Steve well for the run (and hope he enjoys his Christmas lunch after his exertions!) and trust that John has a very successful and enjoyable term as Men's Captain.

Update 26 December

We have now heard that Steve raised the magnificent sum of £446.25! No doubt he was happy that he was able to enjoy the sunny and crisp Christmas Day weather rather than the gloomy and damp conditions on Boxing Day. Many thanks Steve, and well done!

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